Converting float to 32bit signed Integer value? (newbie)

MangoMan mangoman at
Sat Oct 11 13:26:42 EDT 2003

Hi there,

Currently i am reading an array of signed int's from a file :

fs = open("somefile", "rb")
self.buffer32 = array('i')
# ...

However, i need to read a float from this array, but of course, the
following code does not work :

value = float(self.buffer32.pop(0))

e.g instead of getting a value like 2.456 i get 2

How could i properly extract floats from this buffer in phython?
Additionally, how could i store floats into this buffer? 
e.g(which doesn't work) :

value = 2.234

(In the C code, the float is written to the buffer using a typecast,
e.g buff[pos] = (int)value)

Thanks for any help,

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