problems with in 2.3.2 developed modules used with 2.2.2

John Roth newsgroups at
Fri Oct 17 19:43:52 EDT 2003

"Raaijmakers, Vincent (IndSys,GE Interlogix)" <Vincent.Raaijmakers at>
wrote in message news:mailman.179.1066413876.2192.python-list at
Sorry for the long header of this mail ;-)

Has anyone experienced modules developed in 2.3.2 (using IDLE and PythonWin
as IDE) don't work under 2.2.2.... I mean basic stuff like it can not see
classes from your .py file, so an import fails?

It almost likes that in my case 2.2.2 doesn't like the file format generated
by IDLE or PythonWin in 2.3.2.

Does someone know if this is a known problem?

[Response by John Roth]

1. Have you checked the bug tracker?

2. Check the line endings in the .py file. This is a wild guess,
but 2.2 might not be properly recognizing line endings that
2.3 recognizes. PEP 278 added universal newline support
to Python, and it's being used for import and exec(), so
modules that 2.3 finds readable might not be readable by

John Roth


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