Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

Stephen J. Bevan stephen at
Tue Oct 28 22:01:15 EST 2003

Pascal Costanza <costanza at> writes:
> > Perhaps I'm just a low tech kind of guy but if I just want to run the
> > first ten then I comment out the rest.  Even without a fancy IDE that
> > only take a few key presses.
> ...and it requires you to go to all the places where they are defined.
> Yes, I know the answer: "But they should be all in one place." No,
> they shouldn't need to be all in one place.

As I wrote, I'm a low tech guy, I put all the tests for a particular
feature in the same file.  If I only want to run some of the tests in
the file then I comment out those tests.  If I only want to run the
tests in some file rather than others then I comment out the names of
the files containing the tests I don't want to run.  I can see how
things can get more complicated if you use other approaches, which is
one of the reasons I don't use those approaches.  YMMV.

> Ah, another example: What if my test code is actually produced by some
> macro, or some other code generation facility?

Er, comment out either definition of the macro and the calls to it or
the code generation facility.

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