stdout funniness from os.system() calls when redirecting output

Birch garyb at
Tue Oct 14 19:11:37 EDT 2003

I have a python script that uses the print function throughout, and as
well uses calls to os.system() to spawn DOS commandline executables.

My issue is that I redirect all of the output from this script to a
file (including that which is printed by the spawned programs) via the
redirect (">") function on a Win2K Command Prompt.  In the captured
output however, the output from the os.system() calls ALWAYS comes
before the output from the print calls in the python script.

This does NOT happen if I run the python script without redirecting
the output to a file.  (everything prints out properly in the Command
Prompt window)

Does anyone have any experience with this, and/or know the fix?

Much Appreciated!

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