teaching programming to children

Thomas Guettler guettli at thomas-guettler.de
Thu Oct 16 10:59:00 EDT 2003

Am Thu, 16 Oct 2003 08:55:21 +0200 schrieb and:

> I would be gratefull if people who had a similar experience 
> would told me about
> it. Or if someone could refer me to sources and articles.

My first experience with computers was, that my 
sister learnt math with it. My father programmed
a very easy small loop:

The programm choosed two numbers smaller than 100,
and asked:


Then you need to type in the anwser, if it was
correct, the computer made a nice sound.

A twelve year old boy can learn both with this:
Programming and math. He can start to add
more difficult operations: multiplying or

My second experience with programming was,
that I learned english vocabulary with it. You can
code a small programming for learning this quite easy.

I would just use print and sys.stdin.readline(), this
makes the programm easy to understand. You can learn
a lot with such a small application: Capital cities, Years 
of important historical events ...

I aks myself if my son, which is now 6 months old, will learn
python when he is twelve.


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