Bug in strptime?

Henk-Jan de Jong henkjan at xs4all.nl
Sun Oct 26 18:11:56 EST 2003

Hello all,

I'm completely new in Python and have the next problem. I have a huge file
with dates a want to convert from one format to another.

e.g 31-12-2003 should become 31122003. I'm using the next piece of code:

def changeDate(inDate, inFormat, outFormat):
    return strftime(outFormat, strptime(inDate, inFormat))

#the next part inside the loop reading the file:
. .
newDate = changeDate(oldDate, "%d-%m-%Y", "%d%m%Y")
. .

When the file is small (less then 50 lines or so), it works fine. If the
file gets bigger I get the next error:

  File "C:\Python23\lib\_strptime.py", line 424, in strptime
    raise ValueError("time data did not match format:  data=%s  fmt=%s" %
ValueError: time data did not match format:  data=  fmt=%d-%m-%Y

What can be wrong?? The data seems ok.



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