lazy Tkinter question - [focus / virtual keyboard]

Kim Petersen kp at
Fri Oct 31 07:26:15 EST 2003

Is it possible in Tkinter to simulate a keystroke into the current 
active (focused widget) by pressing another button (this is for a 
virtual keyboard on a touchscreen pc).

the troubles i see is:
	on pressing the button focus changes to it
	if you set focus back, some inputfields will act specially (eg. on 
focus out/focus in, keypress)
	i know i have to use the "event" function in tkinter to send the 
keystroke - but i still have the above troubles?

Input would be extremely appreciated...

Med Venlig Hilsen / Regards

Kim Petersen - Kyborg A/S (Udvikling)
IT - Innovationshuset
Havneparken 2
7100 Vejle
Tlf. +4576408183 || Fax. +4576408188

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