wxPython and macros (was: Why don't people like lisp?

Tayss tayss_temp at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 27 22:30:04 EST 2003

Kenny Tilton <ktilton at nyc.rr.com> wrote in message news:<azhnb.11603$Gq.4404658 at twister.nyc.rr.com>...
> btw, regarding my use of the M word, marketing can be evil (witness Joe 
> Camel) but in the general case it is just about communicating 
> effectively by considering the listener.

I got an interesting email too, this one with the novel solution (at
least to me) of using "" around Python code like a lisper would use '.
 He'd then parse and execute it using the exec statement.  To think
that one year ago I might have dismissed such code for vague
reasons...  And now it seems like a normal thing to do, except for the
fact it's not a style encouraged by Python with tools, libs and docs.

So there are Python users who naturally think in a Lisp.  I was
probably in that situation.  So some level of "marketing" is good when
it provides good info for people who are searching for something.

This thread is weird though.  My position morphed from "macros would
keep me from making unfortunate tradeoffs" to "macros are the only
solution!!!  Bow to lisp!!!"  Maybe trolls are very good at telling
you about yourself, and I just need to embrace the inner lisp weenie
or something.  Or maybe I'm working with code too much lately and
obsessing over perfection.

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