logging module: problem with custom handlers

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Mon Oct 27 13:17:08 EST 2003

Andreas Jung wrote:

> I am trying to write a custom logger with a custom handler:
> Now I want to configure this logger through a configuration
> file. How can I refer to the new handler in the configuration file?
> Something like "class=MyHandler" did not work.
> Any ideas?

The handler's class is evaluatated like so in module logging.config:

klass = eval(klass, vars(logging))

For this to succeed you could do something like:

import logging
import logging.config

class MyHandler(logging.StreamHandler):

logging.MyHandler = MyHandler

lgr = logging.getLogger("test")

lgr.info("Hello world")

where the relevant handler section has the line


I do not know if there is an "official" way to achieve the same, but then, 
why would you build your own Handler in the first place?


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