Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

Pascal Costanza costanza at
Sun Oct 26 16:37:58 EST 2003

Andreas Rossberg wrote:

> As an example of the kind of "overloading" (or type dispatch, if you want)
> you cannot express in dynamically typed lagnuages: in Haskell, you can
> naturally define functions which are overloaded on their return type, i.e.
> you don't need any value at all at runtime to do the "dispatch". For
> example, consider an overloaded function fromString, that produces values of
> potentially arbitrary types from strings.


(defmethod from-string-expansion (to-type string)
   (if (or (subtypep to-type 'sequence)
           (subtypep to-type 'character)
           (eq to-type t))
     `(coerce ,string ',to-type)
     `(coerce (read-from-string ,string) ',to-type)))

(defmacro set-from-string (x string &environment env)
     (bound localp declarations)
     (variable-information x env)
     (declare (ignore bound localp))
     (let ((type (or (cdr (assoc 'type declarations)) t)))
       `(setf ,x ,(from-string-expansion type string)))))

Session transcript:

? (let (x)
     (declare (integer x))
     (set-from-string x "4711")
     (print x))


? (let (x)
     (declare (string x))
     (set-from-string x "0815")
     (print x))


? (defmethod from-string-expansion ((to-type (eql 'symbol)) string)
     `(intern ,string))
#<standard-method from-string-expansion ((eql symbol) t)>

? (let (x)
     (declare (symbol x))
     (set-from-string x "TEST")
     (print x))


The macro delegates the decision which conversion function to use to the 
generic function FROM-STRING-EXPANSION, but this is all executed at 
compile time (as required for a compiled implementation of Common Lisp).


P.S.: This is not ANSI Common Lisp, but uses a feature as defined in Guy 
Steele's book "Common Lisp, The Language - 2nd Edition" (-> 
VARIABLE-INFORMATION). The code above works in Macintosh Common Lisp.

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