Return variables from modules ??

Rigga Rigga at
Wed Oct 22 12:09:54 EDT 2003

I have tried the code you supplied however it still does not return the
reply as expected, I have even tried the following code but I just cant get
it to return a variable from a module:

My module: we will call it
import sys
import os

def myfunction():
      reply = 'repeat'
      FilePath = raw_input("Enter path to files: ")

      def chkpth(FilePath):
            if os.path.exists(FilePath):
                  # File location exists
                  AccFlag = os.access(FilePath,os.R_OK |
                  os.X_OK | os.W_OK)

                  if (AccFlag):
                        #  Cool you have FULL access to
                        #  the location
                        chkpth = "OK"
                        reply = 'stop'
                        # You do not have access
                        chkpth = "DENIED"
                        reply = 'repeat'

                  # No files found exiting...
                  chkpth = "NOT FOUND"
                  reply = 'repeat'

            return chkpth

            print chkpth(FilePath)     # used to show me chkpth result
            print reply     # always prints repeat no matter what!
            return reply


Main program: we will call it

import filechk
result = filechk.myfunction()
print result


results when ran:
root at mybox:>  python
root at mybox:>  Enter Path to files: /root/
root at mybox:>  None

What I expected to happen in the example above for it to return OK (and if
I queried the reply variable for it to return 'stop)

What am I doing wrong?

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