Static typing

John Atwood jatwood at
Fri Oct 24 13:04:20 EDT 2003

Pascal Costanza  <costanza at> wrote:

>Mastering a programming language is a very long process.
>> So you see that with different tools, you cannot do
>> it in exactly the same way as with the old tools, and immediately you
>> start complaining that the new tools have "less expressive power",
>> just because you don't see that you have to use them in a different
>> way.  The "I can do lot of things with macros in Lisp that are
>> impossible to do in other languages" claim seems to have a similar
>> background.
>No, you definitely can do a lot of things with macros in Lisp that are 
>impossible to do in other languages. There are papers that show this 
>convincingly. Try 
> for a 
>start. Then continue, for example, with some articles on Paul Graham's 
>website, or download and read his book "On Lisp".

That's a great paper; however, see Steele's later work:


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