Python from Wise Guy's Viewpoint

Pascal Costanza costanza at
Thu Oct 23 04:44:06 EDT 2003

Matthias Blume wrote:

> Pascal Costanza <costanza at> writes:
>>The set of programs that are useful but cannot be checked by a static
>>type system is by definition bigger than the set of useful programs
>>that can be statically checked.
> By whose definition?  What *is* your definition of "useful"?  It is
> clear to me that static typing improves maintainability, scalability,
> and helps with the overall design of software.  (At least that's my
> personal experience, and as others can attest, I do have reasonably
> extensive experience either way.)
> A 100,000 line program in an untyped language is useless to me if I am
> trying to make modifications -- unless it is written in a highly
> stylized way which is extensively documented (and which usually means
> that you could have captured this style in static types).  So under
> this definition of "useful" it may very well be that there are fewer
> programs which are useful under dynamic typing than there are under
> (modern) static typing.

A statically typed program is useless if one tries to make modifications 
_at runtime_. There are software systems out there that make use of 
dynamic modifications, and they have a strong advantage in specific 
areas because of this.

If you can come up with a static type system for an unrestricted runtime 
metaobject protocol, then I am fine with static typing.

>>So dynamically typed languages allow
>>me to express more useful programs than statically typed languages.
> There are also programs which I cannot express at all in a purely
> dynamically typed language.  (By "program" I mean not only the executable
> code itself but also the things that I know about this code.)
> Those are the programs which are protected against certain bad things
> from happening without having to do dynamic tests to that effect
> themselves.

This is a circular argument. You are already suggesting the solution in 
your problem description.

> (Some of these "bad things" are, in fact, not dynamically
> testable at all.)

For example?

>>I don't question that. If this works well for you, keep it up. ;)
> Don't fear.  I will.

...and BTW, please let me keep up using dynamically typed languages, 
because this works well for me!

(That's the whole of my answer to the original question, why one would 
want to give up static typing.)

>>>(And where are _your_ empirical studies which show that "working around
>>>language restrictions increases the potential for bugs"?)
>>I don't need a study for that statement because it's a simple
>>argument: if the language doesn't allow me to express something in a
>>direct way, but requires me to write considerably more code then I
>>have considerably more opportunities for making mistakes.
> This assumes that there is a monotone function which maps token count
> to error-proneness and that the latter depends on nothing else.  This
> is a highly dubious assumption.  In many cases the few extra tokens
> you write are exactly the ones that let the compiler verify that your
> thinking process was accurate (to the degree that this fact is
> captured by types).  If you get them wrong *or* if you got the
> original code wrong, then the compiler can tell you.  Without the
> extra tokens, the compiler is helpless in this regard.

See the example of downcasts in Java.

> To make a (not so far-fetched, btw :) analogy: Consider logical
> statements and formal proofs. Making a logical statement is easy and
> can be very short.  It is also easy to make mistakes without noticing;
> after all saying something that is false while still believing it to
> be true is extremely easy.  Just by looking at the statement it is
> also often hard to tell whether the statement is right.  In fact,
> computers have a hard time with this task, too.  Theorem-proving is
> hard.
> On the other hand, writing down the statement with a formal proof is
> impossible to get wrong without anyone noticing because checking the
> proof for validity is trivial compared to coming up with it in the
> first place.  So even though writing the statement with a proof seems
> harder, once you have done it and it passes the proof checker you can
> rest assured that you got it right.  The longer "program" will have fewer
> "bugs" on average.

Yes, but then you have a proof that is tailored to the statement you 
have made. The claim of people who favor static type systems is that 
static type systems are _generally_ helpful.


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