Python debug libraries

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Tue Oct 28 19:18:37 EST 2003

See my recent post...

(all one line).  You probably don't want to debug *everything*, just 
your particular extension, and this recipe allows that fairly readily 
w/out requiring getting every single dependency built against debug 
Python (which can be a royal PITA).


Robert Ferrell wrote:

>I'm trying to do some debugging of python extensions on Windows2K.  MS
>Visual Studio (.NET) says it can't find the debug version of the
>python libraries.  (The message is "python.exe does not contain any
>debugging information".)  I installed the binaries from the Windows
>installer.  How should I get the debug libraries?  Or is that even
>what I need?  I'm kind of new to Windows, and Visual Studio in
>particular, so maybe I'm way off base.
  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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