import error?

Tom llafba_NOSPAM_ at
Thu Oct 16 10:58:33 EDT 2003

Hi Peter,

thanks for trying to help me. I can see that it can be confusing to read 
my posts, but it is so hard to explain a problem if you do not even know 
the source of the problem?! :-( But I appreciate your patience.

I didn't use the interactive interpreter. I don't now why it says 
<string> and "?". I just use the window (python shell) for output. My 
code is strctured like this: My main program does not have any classes 
or functions. It is supposed to run all the way through and calls 
different modules for the different tasks. I did that because I didn't 
want to overload the main program. After every step (which usually means 
after calling a module) I have an output in the shell window. When I 
said that I include stuff at the beginning I meant at the total 
beginning of my main programm and at the total beginning of each module 
that I use (before defining the class and function). Of course I only 
include what I also need. I use this one module that later causes my 
problems in the main program for the first time. It works fine there. 
Than I can start my business which means that I call all the different 
modules depending on the action that is neccessary. Sometimes it is 
necessary to use this specific module (that I already used before) in 
one of the other modules that I just called from my main program. Is 
that maybe a problem, that I can't include the module in the main 
program and in a module called by the main program? I import everything 
that is neccessary it in both!

I also tried this: I made an exact copy of my module and just renamed 
it. Using the original module in the main program and the renamed module 
in the other module that I call from my main program. That worked fine. 
Maybe because they were different modules and python doesn't like it if 
I call the same module? But what still irritates me is the fact that 
everything also works fine if I write the "from bla import *" line 
directly before I refere to the function in that module. I don't like 
this but I meantion it, because I think it is strange that it works then.

Well, I could use this copied and renamed module, but because it 
consists exactly the same code and just changed the filename (all the 
class and function names are still the same), I don't really see the 
necessity. Maybe it is one of the Thursday only problems! :-) But I 
would love to find the find out what's wrong :-)
I don't know if this helps or just confuses more. :-) I hope not. :-)

Thank you very much for all your help anyway.

Regards, Tom

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