Jython, GILs and object locking.

Andrew Dalke adalke at mindspring.com
Sat Oct 11 00:07:50 EDT 2003

Carl Banks:
> Your big computer science words frighten me.

"I/O bound" == "tied up doing I/O instead of using the processor"

If something is I/O bound then faster code won't make a difference;
using an optimizing compiler or rewriting the algorithm won't
give a speedup.

If something is CPU bound then a faster network/disk drive/etc.
won't make a difference

There's also memory bound, where the time to access
memory is the limiting factor.  Most programs don't have this
problem (the main exception I know of is quantum chemical
programs, but that's a big chemistry word ;).

                    dalke at dalkescientific.com

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