Python syntax in Lisp and Scheme

Ingvar Mattsson ingvar at
Thu Oct 9 07:16:09 EDT 2003

cstacy at (Christopher C. Stacy) writes:

> >>>>> On Wed, 08 Oct 2003 16:51:44 -0400, Joe Marshall ("Joe") writes:
>  Joe> "Carlo v. Dango" <oest at> writes:
>  >> method overloading,
>  Joe> Now I'm *really* confused.  I thought method overloading involved
>  Joe> having a method do something different depending on the type of
>  Joe> arguments presented to it.  CLOS certainly does that.
> He probably means "operator overloading" -- in languages where
> there is a difference between built-in operators and functions,
> their OOP features let them put methods on things like "+".
> Lisp doesn't let you do that, because it turns out to be a bad idea.
> When you go reading someone's program, what you really want is for
> the standard operators to be doing the standard and completely 
> understood thing.

Though if one *really* wants to have +, -, * and / as generic
functions, I imagine one can use something along the lines of:

  (:shadow "+" "-" "/" "*")
  (:use "COMMON-LISP"))

(defgeneric arithmetic-identity (op arg))

(defmacro defarithmetic (op)
  (let ((two-arg
           (intern (concatenate 'string "TWO-ARG-" (symbol-name op))
        (cl-op (find-symbol (symbol-name op) "COMMON-LISP")))
      (defun ,op (&rest args)
         (cond ((null args) (arithmetic-identity ,op nil))
               ((null (cdr args))
                (,two-arg (arithmetic-identity ,op (car args))
                          (car args)))
               (t (reduce (function ,two-arg)
                          (cdr args)
                          :initial-value (car args)))))
      (defgeneric ,two-arg (arg1 arg2))
      (defmethod ,two-arg ((arg1 number) (arg2 (number)))
        (,cl-op arg1 arg2)))))

Now, I have (because I am lazy) left out definitions of the generic
function ARITHMETIC-IDENTITY (general idea, when fed an operator and
NIL, it returns the most generic identity, when fed an operator and an
argument, it can return a value that is more suitable) and there's
probably errors in the code, too.

But, in principle, that should be enough of a framework to build from,
I think.

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