looking for a name for a python SIP phone

Brian Quinlan brian at sweetapp.com
Wed Nov 12 23:13:56 EST 2003

> So I've implemented a first cut at a pure-Python SIP (VoIP) phone, 
> and now I need a name for it. Off the top of my head, I can't think 
> of any Monty Python sketches involving a telephone - can anyone 
> else? Other names?

How about "Iggy", from the Iggy Pop song "Talking Snake"

You could also call it "Eve" or "Hawwah", because she got taken in by a
talking snake in Genesis :-)

> (As an aside, it's impressive (to me) that this can be done in python 
> - a bit of a 'bah' to those people who think that an interpreted 
> language is "too slow" for complex tasks)

Yes, very impressive, please keep us updated.


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