sharing dictionaries amongst class instances

Kerry Neilson kmneilso at
Sun Nov 9 15:22:36 EST 2003

Really hung up on this one.  I'm trying to get all the fields of a
dictionary to be unique for each class:

class A {
  my_dict = []
  dict_entry = { 'key1':0, 'key2':0 }

    for x in range(10):
          tmp = copy.deepcopy(self.dict_entry)
          tmp['key1'] = x

in a driver, I have

inst0, inst1 = A.A(), A.A()
inst0.my_dict[1]['key2'] = "ted"
inst1.my_dict[5]['key2'] = "steve"

printing them out shows that both objects have ted and steve in their
dictionaries.  I have done this very thing outside of a class, and it works
wonderfully.  All other attributes in the class are able to remain unique.
ie, = 5 and = 8 works fine.
I believe I could set the dictionaries up beforehand, but they will be
substatially different sizes, and it certainly wouldn't be proper.

Any ideas?  Thanks very much for any insight.

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