Problem with PyRun_SimpleFile and MFC Application

vincent wehren vincent at
Wed Nov 26 14:07:01 EST 2003

"Susanne" <susi2000 at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:188007e5.0311260352.1389b5ad at
| Hello together,
| after reading your comments, i looked, which configuration
| im using in my console app. Its a release app.
| Than i tried to run it as a debug app and now the
| programm crashes like my mfc app.
| So the hint with the debug dll was good.
| But how can i get this dll?
| I don't have the python source code and i also
| can't find it in the internet.
| So there is no way to create it by myself.
| Can anyone of you help me again??
| Thanks
| Susanne

Download the Python source (e.g. or the version you
want to use) and untar it to disk. You will end up with a directory

In this directory you will find a directory called "PCBuild" with the
relevant MSVC workspaces already nicely lined up. Look at the pythoncore and
build it in debug mode (python23_d.dll).

If you want to do extensions at some time, make sure you compile a
python_d.exe for debugging purposes too.

Vincent Wehren

(PS: ~snipped cross-post to comp.lang.c++ to avoid angry neighbors....)

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