
Miika Keskinen miika.keskinen at utu.fi
Wed Nov 5 09:20:43 EST 2003

Hi all

I was in need for a simple template engine (like PEAR::IT.php) and didn't
find any suitable. Yes, there is many templating engines available but
most are far too complex or does implement some additional features in
their syntax.

So I created following and I'm asking comments - and yes I know there is
couple not so pythonistic sides in code. Most of all accessing inner dict
B straight. This is however first working version (started it hour ago)
and I'm asking if any of you have something in mind that could help me
making that better. 

This engine is non only for html ( in fact I don't use it for html but
email-templates and some configuration-templates ).

the beast can be found from http://users.utu.fi/mikrke/index.html
(includes example how to use it)


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