Status of JPE (Java-Python Extension)?

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Sun Nov 9 18:06:10 EST 2003

Tim Churches wrote:

>>dunno what 'partial support' means, though.
> Irmen, can you elucidate?

Hello Tim, I don't know that word, but I guess it means
something like "explain" or "elaborate". Here goes:

Jython has had (or still has) some problems that makes full
Pyro support impossible. For instance there is no "select"
like function in Jython (or rather, Java), and Pyro depends
on that for Pyro servers. So you're restricted to *clients*
in Jython: you can only call other Pyro objects, but you cannot
be called yourself.
Furthermore there were some bugs in Jython's implementation
that were triggered by certain Python code fragments in
Pyro, and I haven't really tried to work around them.
Dunno what Jython's up to at the moment, so YMMV.

Hope this helps,

Irmen de Jong

PS Jdk version 1.4 introduced a new IO API which I haven't
looked into yet, but from what I've heard and seen it should
now provide a 'select' like function. So maybe it is possible
to make Pyro work as a server on Jython too, but I haven't
adapted Pyro to do this yet.

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