Python Database Objects (PDO) 1.2.0 Released

Geoff Howland ghowland at
Tue Nov 18 12:58:12 EST 2003

On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 05:20:29 -0500, "Jon Franz" <jfranz at>

>A Resultset is actually very different from a cursor - The first and
>most blatant difference being that with a Resultset, you get column
>access by name.
>With a DBAPI cursor, you create the cursor first, then perform an
>execute on the cursor, then do a fetchXXX (depending upon
>if you want one row at a time or many, or all).  The data returned
>is separate from the cursor, and is a sequence of sequences.

I havent looked at the other DBAPI implementations lately, but with
MySQLdb you can set the cursor type to DictCursor, and then you get
back a sequence of dictionaries with the field names as the dict keys.

-Geoff Howland

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