popen5: New POSIX process module

Peter Astrand astrand at lysator.liu.se
Tue Nov 4 16:28:30 EST 2003

Peter Schwalm wrote:
>>I've written a new popen-like module for Python. 
> Just a question: does it work under Windows or is it a Unix/Linux-only-module?

UNIX (POSIX) only. The API is designed to work with Windows as well, but 
the implementation only supports POSIX, currently. The module contains 
information about why Windows support is missing, and much more info.

Now when I have your attention: It would be nice if popen5 could be 
added to the standard library. I've read PEP2, but it made me somewhat 
confused. Where can I find some hints on how to write a "library PEP"? 
Any examples?

/Peter Åstrand <astrand at lysator.liu.se>

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