Saving / Restoring data in a program

Lonnie Princehouse fnord at
Fri Nov 21 00:46:32 EST 2003

It's not entirely clear what you're trying to do, but it sounds like
you want to save and restore the state of a subset of local namespace.

First off, rethink this whole scheme.  Consider writing a class for
your saved data.  Much more Pythonic.

But if you're determined, consider this snippet:

# make some variables
a = 5
b = 10
c = 'foo'

# Names of variables to save
save_vars = ['a','b','c']

# Save them by first dumping their values into a list with
# a list comprehension
saved['store1'] = [(key,locals()[key]) for key in save_vars]

# Restore variables later by injecting them into the 
# local namespace dictionary
# (probably considered very bad form!)
for key,value in saved['store1']:
  locals()[key] = value

On a side note, it _is_ possible to use pickle without a proper file.
In your case, it doesn't sound like there's any reason to do this, but
it does come in handy upon occasion. Pickle only wants something that
behaves like a file, so you can use a StringIO instead:

import pickle
from StringIO import StringIO

foo = "something that needs to be pickled"

fake_file = StringIO()

# Pickle it
pickle.dump(foo, fake_file)

# Unpickle it
bar = pickle.load(fake_file)

Bob van der Poel <bvdpoel at> wrote in message news:<3fbd0127_1 at>...
> I've got an application that needs to store (internally) a bunch of data 
>   consisting of lists and some dicts. None of the items are very large, 
> and the entire set (for a single save) is probably less that 1K of data, 
> or a total of several hundred individual objects (mostly short, 4 to 16 
> element, lists of integers).
> Right now, I'm doing something like:
>     name = 'Store1'
>     saved[name] = {
>        'NAMES' = names[:],
>        'CHORDS' = stuff.copy(),
>         .... }
> and, then when I want to restore I:
>      s=saved[name]
>      names=s['NAMES']
>      stuff = s['CHORDS']
>      ...
> this is turning into a bit of a mess. It's error prone since I have to 
> make sure that I restore everything I save and I have to make sure I 
> usethe same spellings. And, I have to be aware of the data types so I 
> can decide if [:] or copy() or even copy.deepcopy() is needed.
> So, is there better way? I looked at pickle and it appears to me that 
> this will only work if I store to disk, which I don't really want to do.
> Guess what I'd like is something like:
>      saved[name] = wonderfulSave(names, stuff, foo,
>                           more_of_my_items/lists)
> and then have it all restored with:
>      wonderfulRestore(saved[name])
> Anything like that around???
> I should mention that the items are part of a class. So, I'm really doing:
>        saved[name] =[:] ... etc.
> I'm thinking that if I were to put all the stuff into a master-class, 
> then I could do something like:
> 	saved[name]= copy.deepcopy(self.masterclass)
> but, then I'd have to make sure that I use the 'masterclass' in all my 
> references to the data ... and that might just create more confusions 
> (well, more typing) and slowdowns.
> BTW, whoever said that cre''.join([chr(ord(c)+23) for c in 'UXWWRN)VJPRLYNJLNOJ[V\x17LXV'])
ating proper data types BEFORE writing a 
> program is a good thing was correct. Just wish I'd listened better :)

-ljp    email: eval("''.join([chr(ord(c)+23) for c in

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