submitting a jpeg to a web site?

Georgy Pruss SEE_AT_THE_END at
Mon Nov 10 05:51:03 EST 2003

"Steven D.Arnold" <stevena at> wrote in message news:mailman.594.1068457889.702.python-list at
| Hi,
| I am curious how one might submit a JPEG to a web site using Python.
| I've tried urllib.urlopen, passing a dictionary that contained a key
| pointing to a string that contains the bytes of the JPEG, but that
| didn't apparently work.  I did use the urllib.urlencode function on the
| dict before calling urlopen.  It seems on the face of it that urlopen
| is not the ordained way to do what I want here.
| The <form> tag of the page I'm submitting to looks like this:
| <form action="application_one_process.php" name="mainForm"
| method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="US-ASCII">
| The enctype seems to suggest I need some kind of MIME-like capability
| to do this right.  Does anyone know what I should be doing to make this
| work?
| Thanks in advance,
| steve

It's not a "product version", but it works at my site (Windows XP,
Apache/2.0.47 (Win32) PHP/4.3.3 mod_python/3.1.2b Python/2.3.2)
If you have Unix, you can get rid of all msvcrt stuff.

# upload form/script

# 1st parameter - (this) script name
# 2nd parameter - file field name
the_form = """
<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="%s" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME="%s" size=50>

  import msvcrt,os
  msvcrt.setmode( 0, os.O_BINARY ) # stdin  = 0
  msvcrt.setmode( 1, os.O_BINARY ) # stdout = 1
except ImportError:

print "Content type: text/html"

import sys, os, traceback, re
import cgi
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

def strip_path( fpname ):
  """strip off leading path and drive stuff from dos/unix/mac file full name
  takes care of '/' ':' '\' '%2f' '%5c' '%3a'
  fname = re.sub( r"(%(2f|2F|5c|5C|3a|3A))|/|\\|:", '/', fpname )
  delim = fname.rfind( '/' ) # -1 for not found, will return full fname
  return fname[delim+1:]

def check_ext( file_name, ext_set ):
  ext = file_name.rfind('.')
  if ext < 0:
    return False
  ext = file_name[ext+1:].lower()
  # was re.match( '^(gif)|(jpg)|(zip)$', ext, re.I )
  exts = ext_set.lower().split(',')
  for good_ext in exts:
    if ext == good_ext:
      return True
  return False

class UploadException:
  def __init__(self,rsn): self.reason = rsn

NO_FILE       = -4

def process_fileitem( file_item_name, local_file_path = './', allowed_file_types = 'jpg' ):
  """Gets file from form field file_item_name and saves it with the original
  file name to local_file_path. Returns (file_length,file_name) if success.
  Otherwise (NO_FIELD|NO_FILE|BAD_EXT < 0, info)

  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
  if not form.has_key( file_item_name ):
    raise UploadException( NO_FILE_FIELD )

  file_item = form[ file_item_name ]

  if not file_item.filename:
    raise UploadException( NO_FILENAME )

  remote_file_name = file_item.filename
  file_name = strip_path( remote_file_name )

  if not check_ext( file_name, allowed_file_types ):
    raise UploadException( BAD_EXTENTION )

  local_file_name = os.path.join( local_file_path, file_name )

  if not file_item.file:
    raise UploadException( NO_FILE )

  data = 5*1024*1024 ) # max 5 megabyte
  # or data = fileitem.value
  # or data = form.getvalue( file_item_name, "" )

  fstrm = open( local_file_name, "wb" )
  fstrm.write( data )

  return (len(data), file_name)

print "<html><head><title>Upload form</title></head><body>"


  file_field_name = "filename"
  loc_path = "../upload"
  file_types = "txt,htm,html,png,gif,jpg,ico,zip,rar,avi,mpg,rm,ram,wma,mp3,wav,pdf,doc,ppt"


    flen, fname = process_fileitem( file_field_name, loc_path, file_types )
    print '%d bytes received to <a href="%s/%s">%s</a>' % \
          (flen, loc_path, fname, fname)

  except UploadException, ex:

    if ex.reason == NO_FILE_FIELD or ex.reason == NO_FILENAME:
      print "<p>Browse for file to upload.</p>"
    elif ex.reason == BAD_EXTENTION:
      print "<p>Illegal file, only %s allowed.</p>" % file_types
    else: # NO_FILE
      print "<p>No file received. Please repeat.</p>"
    print the_form % (strip_path( __file__ ), file_field_name)


  print "<html><body text=red bgcolor=white><pre>"
  sys.stderr = sys.stdout
  print "</pre></body></html>"

print "</body></html>"


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