Leo + Python: the ultimate scripting tool: gui issues

Alexander Schmolck a.schmolck at gmx.net
Fri Nov 14 21:04:05 EST 2003

Stephen Boulet <stephendotboulet at motorola_._com> writes:

> I see that allout.el is supplied with xemacs for windows. How does it get
> activated?

First try adding this to your .emacs :

 (require 'allout)
 (outline-init t)

Then try opening either a file with the ending .outl (for "traditional"
outlined text) or the allout.el file (for source code that contains outline

Once you opened allout.el, try typing this to get a quick feel:

C-cC-a C-cC-a
n n n n p s n h h h

Not so bad for navigating, is it?


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