ANN: Snakelets 1.6 (simple-to-use web app server with dynamic pages)

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Sat Nov 1 14:55:46 EST 2003

I'm happy to say that Snakelets 1.6 is now available.

Snakelets is a simple Python web application server,
meant to learn how dynamic web sites are created.
It is just a bonus that it actually works too ;-)
It's released under the open-source MIT Software license.
You can download from
(go to the SF project site, and then the file section).

Changes since 1.5:

- more robust server restart code and script
- basic HTTP authentication
- Ypage templating and subclassing
- Ypage parsing and runtime bugfixes
- management app is now protected with login screen
- various other small bugfixes and clean-ups

To start, just start the script.

--Irmen de Jong

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