ANN: ActivePython 2.3.2 & ActivePython 2.2.3

Thomas Heller theller at
Tue Nov 4 13:22:05 EST 2003

Alex Martelli <aleax at> writes:

> Thomas Heller wrote:
>    ...
>>> * Drop all registry stuff, using a few .pth files
>> One .pth file is probably enough.
> Sure, because one .pth file can list as many directories as you
> want (one per line) -- just spelling this out for readers who
> may not be entirely familiar with .pth files.

Yes. Given the recent questions here on this list about how to set
PYTHONPATH (which I never bothered to answer) for me the .pth files are
an attractive alternative to env vars.

For win32all, however, the question is: why not switch to a standard
directory structure?  For example, install win32api.pyd in
Lib/site-packages instead of a win32 subdirectory.

The more radical approach of converting it into packages is probably too
painful for existing code...


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