file bug???

David M. Wilson at
Fri Nov 21 05:21:45 EST 2003

pythonguy at (Anand Pillai) wrote in message news:<84fc4588.0311210000.5b925947 at>...

> In Line 15, you are using a local variable named 'file'
> which is being used to walk a list of files. When you
> are using a keyword as a variable, python gets confused
> and thinks that you are trying to use a variable before it
> is being defined.

If by 'keyword' you mean 'language keyword', then you are wrong.
Assignments to keywords obviously do not work. Assignments to names
from __builtins__ does.

> o 'os' module does not have a function 'walk'. Change it to os.path.walk.
> o  os.path.walk takes 3 arguments, not one. You need to correct this.

It does now. Read the current Python documentation.


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