a scipy installation problem?

avik avharut at netscape.net
Fri Nov 21 08:43:50 EST 2003

Hi. I need to use SciPy (a library of scientific tools for python) but
I runned upon a problem after installing it. I downloaded the binaries
from scipy.org and copied the contents of the archive in the
/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/ (there I have a number of other
modules and the "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages" is in the
sys.path). What I use are: Python 2.2.1 on linux2 and
Then, this is what I get...

>>> from scipy import *
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Everything seems to be ok when I import a different module (for
plotting) that comes together with scipy (simply, it is another folder
isnide of the same folder /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/chaco):

>>> from chaco import *

This is probably something simple, but I just start to use python and
have no experience in programming, so I can not figure out where the
problem is.
Does anyone know what's needed to do so as to make it working?
Thanks in advance. 


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