if - else

Georgy Pruss see_signature__ at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 28 07:35:45 EST 2003

"John J. Lee" <jjl at pobox.com> wrote in message news:87smk9mmgj.fsf at pobox.com...
| <...>|
| In C, this has caused endless bugs.  It's the reason experienced C
| coders write stuff like:
| if (10 == sum) {...}
| rather than
| if (sum == 10) {...}

Yes, there's such a style, and it's considered by experienced C
programmers to be as weird as if( (a<b) == TRUE )...


| -- the first won't compile if you accidentally write
| if (10 = sum) {...}
| <...>
| John

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