prePEP: Decimal data type

Bengt Richter bokr at
Sat Nov 8 17:42:13 EST 2003

On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 10:43:52 -0500, "Tim Peters" < at> wrote:
>It has to support some half dozen specific rounding modes already (the spec
>requires them).  The mandated modes have been reviewed by many people now
>over several years, so it's tempting to call YAGNI on adding more rounding
>complexity.  My FixedPoint does support user-defined rounding modes; alas,
>all evidence to date suggests I'm the only person to date able to define one
>correctly <wink -- but doing rounding exactly right requires exact
>understanding of every stinking detail of every stinking endcase -- it's not
>easy the first time someone tries it>.

Following is an exact decimal/<somewhat>rational module hack that implements rounding
when the .round() method is called. This is not too elegant, but it might make
an interesting toy to cross-check results with. 30 years of monthly compound interest
does generate a fair amount of digits, but it can handle it. And you can check the _exact_
difference from doing it floating point, and perhaps demonstrate when/how it's safe
to use hardware floating point (the below has a software decimal floating point).

About the 30 years interest,

 >>> from exactdec import ED
 >>> monthly5 = 1 + ED( '.05/12')
 >>> monthly5
 ED('3.0125 / 3')
 >>> start = ED(1)
 >>> start
 >>> fm5 = 1.0+ 0.05/12
 >>> fm5
 >>> monthly5.round(20)
 >>> fstart = 1.0
 >>> for i in xrange(30*12):
 ...     fstart *= fm5
 ...     start *= monthly5
 >>> fstart
 >>> start.round(20)
 >>> err = ED(fstart,'all')-start
 >>> err
 910781074947690321238995118414971674525304479175247251987457275390625e158 / 58029883553010642635
 >>> err.round(50)
 >>> err.round(49)
 >>> err.round(48)

But there is a lot of digits in the exact result, and the percentage error of the floating
point isn't so bad:

 >>> (err/start).round(30)

====< >====================================================================
# -- exact decimal/rational class
# 20031107 14:54:21 alpha -- bokr
# 20031108 09:42:18 added contruction from float with all info or specified rounding -- bokr
# 20031108 13:58:10 added more docs and interactive calculator thing -- bokr 
# WARNING: Not signigicantly tested. Not optimized. No warranty. Use at your own risk. And,
#          if you run this program interactively, it passes your raw_input to eval unvalidated!
# The ED class preserves accuracy exactly by including a denominator for a kind of
# hybrid rational. The info defining the value can be retrieved via ED.astuple
# as a 3-tuple of (numerator, denominator, power_of_10) for the exact value
# (numerator*10**power_of_10)/denominator.
# Currently, rounding is a separate operation that returns an exact result. Only rounding
# away from zero on halves is implemented (and not very well tested ;-)
# Examples of valid string literals being passed to the constructor are:
#   ED('-12.34e-56/78') -- which by the way currently reprs as the exactly equivalent
#   normalized ED('-6.17e-56 / 39')
#   ED('.1') which reprs as ED('.1')
# Converting the same floating point value preserving total or otherwise specified
# accuracy get you:
# ED(.1, 'all') => ED('1.000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625e-1')
# ED(.1, 24)    => ED('1.00000000000000005551115e-1')
# ED(.1, 23)    => ED('1.0000000000000000555112e-1')
# ED(.1, 22)    => ED('1.000000000000000055511e-1')
# ED(.1, 20)    => ED('0.10000000000000000555')
# ED(.1, 19)    => ED('0.1000000000000000056')
# ED(.1, 18)    => ED('0.100000000000000006')
# ED(.1, 17)    => ED('0.10000000000000001')
# ED(.1, 16)    => ED('0.1')
# Integers and longs are accepted as accurate, and value will be preserved, though
# representation may be normalized.
# ED(2L**55)      => ED('36028797018963968')
# ED(20L**55)     => ED('3.6028797018963968e71')
# ED(10L**55)     => ED('1.0e55')
# The inverse can be calculated accurately, and mutiplied out again:
# 1 / ED(10L**55) => ED('1.0e-55')
# 1 / ED(20L**55) => ED('2.77555756156289135105907917022705078125e-72')
# (1 / ED(20L**55)) * ED(2**55) => ED('1.0e-55')
# (1 / ED(20L**55)) * ED(2**55) * ED('1e55') => ED('1')
# The literal for an exact value is a string 
import re
rxo = re.compile(r'\s*([+-]?\d*)(\.(\d*))?(e([+-]?\d+))?(\s*/\s*([+-]?\d+))?')
# example
#'12.34e-45 / 678' ).groups()[::2]
# ('12', '34', '-45', '678')

def fracnorm(num,den):
    """make numerator carry sign and return equivalent num,den with no common divisor"""
    if num==0: return 0,1
    elif den==0: raise ValueError,'zero fracnorm den!'
    if den<0: num=-num; den=-den
    n=abs(num); d=den
    if n<d: n,d = d,n
    while d != 0: n, d  = d, n % d
    return num//n, den//n

class ED(object):
    """exact decimal"""
    def __init__(self, v=0, decimals=None):
        decimals is only mandatory for exactifying float, done by rounding
        to a least significant digit of 10**-decimals (decimals may be <=0),
        but may be specified as 'all' to capture all bits of float as an accurate value.
        if isinstance(v, (int,long)):
            self.num = v
            self.den = 1
        elif isinstance(v, str):
            # XXX needs validation checks
            # <i1>.<i2>e<p10> / <den>
            i1,i2,p10,den =[::2]
            if den is None: den = 1
            else: den = int(den)
            if p10 is None: p10=0
            else: p10 = int(p10)
            if i2 is None: i2=''
            p10 -= len(i2)
            self.num = int(i1+i2)
            self.den = den
            self.p10 = p10
        elif isinstance(v, float):
            if decimals is None or (not isinstance(decimals, int) and decimals!='all'):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Specify decimals for least significant digit of 10**(-decimals)\n"
                    "(decimals may also be specified as 'all' to capture all bits of float)")
            sign = v<0
            if sign: v = -v
            acc = type(self)(0)
            p2=1; shift2=2**27 # usual double has 53 bits
            while v:
                i = int(v)  # depend on accurate truncation and promotion to long
                acc = acc + type(self)((i,p2,0))
                v = (v-i)*shift2
                p2 *= shift2
            if sign: acc.num = -acc.num
            self.num = acc.num
            self.den = acc.den
            self.p10 = acc.p10
        elif isinstance(v, type(self)):
            self.num = v.num
            self.den = v.den
            self.p10 = v.p10
        elif isinstance(v, tuple):
            self.num = v[0]
            self.den = v[1]
            self.p10 = v[2]
            raise ValueError, 'Exactdec constructor does not accept %r' %type(v)
        if decimals !='all' and decimals!=None:
            self.num, self.den, self.p10 = self.round(decimals).astuple()
    def __repr__(self):
        num = self.num; den=self.den; p10=self.p10
        s = str(abs(num))
        sign = '-'[:num<0] # '' or '-'
        dens = den != 1 and ' / %s'%den or ''
        # normalize to x.xxxxe<p10> if total string > 20 long
        zs = len(s)+p10 # leading digits or leading-zero deficit if negative
        if (zs<0 and -zs or p10)+len(s)>20:
            return "ED('%s%s.%se%s%s')" %(sign, s[0], s[1:].rstrip('0') or '0', zs-1, dens)
        zs = zs<0 and '0'*-zs or ''
        s = zs+s
        if p10>=0:
            return "ED('%s%s%s%s')" %(sign, s, '0'*p10, dens)
        elif zs>0:
            return "ED('%s%s.%s%s')" %(sign, s[:p10] or '0', s[p10:], dens)
            return "ED('%s%se%s%s')"%(sign,num,p10,dens)
    def __mul__(self,other):
        """multiply exactly"""
        other = type(self)(other)
        num = self.num * other.num
        den = self.den * other.den
        p10 = self.p10 + other.p10
        return type(self)((num,den,p10)).normalize()
    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __add__(self, other):
        """add exactly"""
        other = type(self)(other)
        num = self.num; p10 = self.p10; den = self.den
        numo = other.num; p10o = other.p10; deno = other.den
        dshift = p10-p10o
        if dshift:
            if dshift<0:
                p10o += dshift
                numo *= 10**-dshift
                p10 -= dshift
                num *= 10**dshift
        numsum = num*deno+numo*den
        densum = den*deno
        return type(self)((numsum, densum, p10)).normalize()
    __radd__ = __add__
    def __sub__(self, other):
        """substract exactly (negates other and adds)"""
        other = type(self)(other)
        other.num = -other.num
        return self + other

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        """add as right operand"""
        return type(self)(other) - self
    def __div__(self,other):
        """divide exactly -- multiplies inverse"""
        other = type(self)(other)
        num = self.num * other.den
        den = self.den * other.num
        p10 = self.p10 - other.p10
        return type(self)((num,den,p10)).normalize()
    def __rdiv__(self, other):
        """divide in role of right arg"""
        return type(self)(other)/self
    def normalize(self):
        make num part carry sign
        remove common factors of num, den parts
        convert factors of 10 to exponent count
        convert den factors of 2 to 10/5 and remove 10's to exponent
        self.num, self.den = fracnorm(self.num, self.den)
        while self.num and self.num%10==0:
            self.num //= 10
        while not self.den%2:
            self.num *=5
            self.den //=2
            self.p10 -=1
        while not self.den%5:
            self.num *=2
            self.den //=5
            self.p10 -=1
        return self
    def round(self, ndec=2):
        Return rounded value as exact decimal.
        Round away from zero on fractions of .5 and more
        XXX needs alternative rounding choices.
        ret = type(self)(self)
        sign = ret.num<0
        ret.num = abs(ret.num)
        ret = ret + type(self)((5,1,-ndec-1))
        psh = -(ret.p10+ndec)
        ret.num //= (ret.den*10**psh)
        ret.den = 1
        ret.p10 += psh
        if sign: ret.num = -ret.num
        return ret
    def astuple(self): self.normalize(); return self.num, self.den, self.p10
    def __eq__(self, other): return self.astuple() == type(self)(other).astuple()
    def __lt__(self, other): return (self-other).num<0
    def __nonzero__(self): return self.num!=0
    def __int__(self): return (self.num*10**self.p10)//self.den

def test():
    import sys
    for x in xrange(-9,10):
        for y in xrange(-9,10):
            if not y: continue # skip zero denom
            for p10 in xrange(-9,10):
                assert ED(s) == ED((x,y,p10))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print """
        Enter 'test' to run test (such as it is), otherwise
        Enter arguments to be passed to the ED constructor, or
        prefix with *, /, +, or - to operate with previous result
        Enter r <number of decimals> to round previous result.

        Note that your input is passed to eval unvalidated, so
        do NOT let this run where that would be dangerous!!

        Enter quotes to make string literals for ED constructor.
        To pass a float per se, specify decimals, e.g.,
            > 0.1, 'all'
            > 0.1, 22
            > 0.1, 18
            > 0.1, 16
        To constrast, a string literal (second below) is accurate:
            > 0.1, 'all'
            > - '0.1'
        Press Enter only, to Exit."""
    value = ED(0)
    while 1:
            cmd = raw_input('%r\n> '%value).strip()
            if not cmd: break
            if cmd == 'test': test(); continue
            if not cmd[0] in '*/+-r':
                value = eval('ED(%s)'%cmd)
                if cmd[0]=='r':
                    value = eval('%s.round(%s)'%(value, cmd[1:].strip()))
                    value = eval('%s %s ED(%s)'%(value, cmd[0], cmd[1:].strip()))
        except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt), e:
            raise SystemExit, 'Exiting due to %s'%e.__class__.__name__
        except Exception, e:
            print '%s: %s'%(e.__class__.__name__, e)

Bengt Richter

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