penny distribution

Batista, Facundo FBatista at
Wed Nov 5 12:38:10 EST 2003

austin at wrote:

#- A similar but more general use-case arises when you have to 
#- distribute
#- a product n ways.  E.g., when we apply a tax rate r to a total bill q
#- the total tax is r*q.  But if we have to indicate what portion of r*q
#- applies to each line item on the bill, then we require a similar sort
#- of penny-distribution.  Here is a function prototype:
#- distribute_product(multiplier, *portions)
#- This function would return a list of amounts, such that:
#- distribute_product(m, a, b, c) ~= [m*a, m*b, m*c]   _and_
#- sum(distribute_product(m, a, b, c)) = m*(a+b+c)
#- I.e., the first equality is approximate but the second is 
#- strict.  You
#- could define Alex's divideBy method as:
#- def divideBy(self, N):
#-     return distribute_product(self, *[1.0/N for i in range(N)])

But, also I can say that 

	def distribute_product(multiplier, *portions):
		return [multiplier*portion for portion in

So, divideBy is the general case.

The importance of this is that because of rounding, both approachs don't
have the same results (I think)!

So, which one is valid?

.	Facundo

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Muchas Gracias.
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