pymat and Matlab6.5

John Hunter jdhunter at
Thu Nov 27 09:11:43 EST 2003

>>>>> "Juntu" == Juntu  <juntu at> writes:
    Juntu> The same prolem again. I found no binaries of Scipy for
    Juntu> Python2.3 under Windows Xp. To compile the source code you
    Juntu> need many package which really I do not want to install
    Juntu> them in my computer, and also I do not have enough
    Juntu> experience to do complilation process. Is there someone who
    Juntu> already compiled Scipy to work for Pyhton2.3 for Win32
    Juntu> patform???.  

If you want to use scipy on win32, I recommend the enthought edition
of python, which comes with scipy, wxpython, vtk and other goodies
built in

They do have a version for python2.3.  

I was surprised not to see a win32 python2.3 binary for scipy on the
scipy site.

John Hunter

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