Leo + Python: the ultimate scripting tool: Conclusion

Douglas Alan nessus at mit.edu
Wed Nov 12 23:59:37 EST 2003

aahz at pythoncraft.com (Aahz) writes:

>>In the long run, the sorts of techniques that Yahoo, and other web
>>sites, where you have to look at a distorted image and identify it (a
>>task that cannot easily be automated), in order to put yourself on the
>>list, will be required, so you should probably get used to it now.

> No, they won't.  They'll be challenged under the ADA (Americans with
> Disabilities Act) and judged illegal.

C'mon -- you're pulling my leg, right?  That's just silly.  The
alternative is to give up on email because 99% of it will eventually
be spam.

Besides, there could be alternate distorted "images" for the disabled:
A distorted braille image could be formed, or a sound could be played
and the person could be asked to identify it.  Or a question could be
asked that an automated program wouldn't be able to easily answer.


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