Parsing the body of an email

BoBo the monkey coryvb123 at
Sat Nov 8 15:40:37 EST 2003

I would like to know if anyone out there can give me an example or any
help with this. Using Python, I need to take the body of an email,
which has already been saved as a string, and parse it up into
different pieces which exist in said body.

This is basically what the email body looks like, simplified of
This is the summary of the email.

This is another section of content in the email.

November 08, 2003

I need to take out the detail of each section and save them as
seperate strings to be used elsewhere.

If anyone has any code examples that can get me started, or advice, or
any help at all it would be greatly appriciated. I'm very much a
novice in regards to Python and just don't know the language that well
Thanks in advance,

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