Rekall not longer available from - a fabrication

Todd Stephens huzzah at
Sat Nov 1 20:17:35 EST 2003

On Sat, 01 Nov 2003 19:21:02 -0500, Paul Rubin wrote:

> Why side with the company if it's not paying its programmers?  The
> business model was charge for the software and use some of the cash to
> pay the programmers.  If the programmers aren't getting paid, the
> correct pro-consumer sentiment is to call for the software to be
> released for free.
Well, we don't *know* the facts for sure.  The OP is obviously a former
employee of the company, and his credibility is shadowed -whether justly
or not- by being disgruntled.  I say he is disgruntled because someone
with no bone to pick would not have gone around posting as he did.  And
his assertion that Rekall is not available from theKompany is incorrect
as I went to their site today and it is indeed for sale there.  But, I
again have to ask how this is related to the Python language?

Todd Stephens

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