web guru advise needed.

Raaijmakers, Vincent (IndSys, Raaijmakers, Vincent (IndSys,
Mon Nov 10 13:56:46 EST 2003

Agreed 100%.
Apache shouldn't be in the requirements.

Let me rephrase the question a bit.
Preparing for an unknown high load in the future,
what are the 'don't even think about these options' web solutions.

If Apache is one of these, fine, please let me know but give me please the best alternative.
Without testing, what are the boundaries of Apache? I don't know.

Apache (Tomcat) was chosen because some JSP stuff was already written.
Doesn't mean that we can't change that, this is still an early stage of development.
Of course, most of the java developers won't be happy hearing this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cameron Laird [mailto:claird at lairds.com]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 1:42 PM
To: Raaijmakers, Vincent (IndSys, GE Interlogix)
Subject: Re: web guru advise needed.

In article <mailman.604.1068482760.702.python-list at python.org>,
Raaijmakers, Vincent (IndSys, GE Interlogix) <Vincent.Raaijmakers at ge.com> wrote:
>The web server requirements I'm looking at are:
>1) simple presentation layer processing. The HTML pages produced by
>server will be more focused on presenting images (dynamic), rather that
>fancy tables, frames, buttons.
>2) the framework has to be robust and FAST on performance.
>3) runs only on Linux, well not really a requirement, more a statement.
>4) runs on Apache (and/or Tomcat)
>What technology gives me the best performance?
I hope I've misunderstood your intent.  When I first read this, 
the impression it makes is that you have an interest only in the
one Apache-based Web server with "the best performance".  For
practical use, I think a far more satisfying approach is to look
for a system which is robust, high in performance, and maintain-
able, and *measure* its performance in a test environment to 
estimate whether it is fast enough.  "Fast enough" can be a 
considerably more useful criterion than "fastest possible".

Cameron Laird <claird at phaseit.net>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net

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