Preferred exception style?

Steven Taschuk staschuk at
Fri May 30 14:51:49 EDT 2003

Quoth Dave Benjamin:
> I was just wondering which style you prefer for raising exceptions. I never
> really thought about it much, but I was looking at some code today that said:
> raise SomeException, 'some relevant message'
> and I tend to do it like this:
> raise SomeException('some relevant message')
> The two forms seem to have identical results. Any reason to prefer one over
> the other? Which do you use?

They are, as you suspect, synonymous.

The standard library mostly uses the syntax with a comma.  I much
prefer the syntax with parentheses, so much so that I've (just a
moment ago, in fact) submitted a PEP to eliminate the former.

I don't like the former because, in short, it's a holdover from
the days of string exceptions and is ill-suited to instance
exceptions.  (The PEP has a more complete account of my reasons;
rather than amplify here, I'll just wait for it to be numbered and
post it in its entirety.)

Steven Taschuk                staschuk at
"I tried to be pleasant and accommodating, but my head
 began to hurt from his banality."   -- _Seven_ (1996)

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