Thread confusion about Python and Windows

Carl Waldbieser waldbie at
Tue May 13 03:28:19 EDT 2003

I am confused on some issues about Python and threading.  I read in the FAQ
that Pyhton has a Global Interpreter Lock that prevents more than one thread
from executing simultaneously in the interpreter at one time.  However, I am
a little confused as to just what that means as pertains to some of the
Win32 extensions for Python.  For example, if I create a free-threaded COM
component using PythonCOM, does that mean only one thread can be active in
it at once (as opposed to say an ATL-based componet that could be accessed
by multiple threads simultaneously)?  Or suppose I want to use Python as my
ActiveScripting language for an IIS web server.  Can only one thread from
the web server be active at once?  I guess I am not sure how many Python
interpreters are there at once in those situations.

If anyone could explain what exactly is going on in either of these two
scenarios, I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance,

Carl Waldbieser

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