How to designate sys.stdout for binary output in win32?

C.M. Lim cmlim at
Sun May 4 06:51:54 EDT 2003

I need to print strings as-is, control/escape chars et al, to sys.stdout 
a win32 python environment (in Unix, this would be trivial).

I found some sample code that uses msvcrt module to explicitly set the 
BINARY mode, as follows:

    def binaryPrint(s) :
	import sys
	try :
	    #Make sure we use binary mode if we are running on windows
	    import msvcrt, os
	    msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
	except :
	#use stdout instead of print because print will add an extra new 
character at the end

but on my system (Python2.1.1), sys.stdout is a PyShell.PseudoFile 
instance, and does not have a fileno() method.

Other attempts at manipulating file descriptor 1 (usually a hard-coded fd 
for a lot of systems) just show a "Bad file descriptor" error message.

To the gurus, how can I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance.    

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