Should I write a book on Python Metaprogramming ?

Van Gale news at
Mon May 5 06:48:53 EDT 2003

I personally find it much easier to understand concepts when I see 
concrete examples in a language in which I'm able to think.  I also have 
too much stuff on my plate to be able to spend time just learning 
theory.  I want to know how to apply theory to code I'm going to be 
writing.  Said another way, if I can digest the theory from a language I 
know well, there's a good chance I'll be able to use it in code I write 
later :)

I think Bruce Eckel is one of the best authors around today, yet when I 
saw that Thinking in Patterns is now almost entirely in Java I was 
*really* unhappy and I won't buy that book.  I'm sure it's the right 
thing for him to do, but trying to digest Java snippets into Python 
snippets will make understanding too difficult for me.  (If I'm ever 
forced into a Java job of course, it'll be an early purchase :)

So, from looking at your outline I'd definitely buy it if it was 
dedicated Python.  Otherwise I'd scan the Python sections at the store 
and only buy it if something catches my eye as useful or interesting to 
buy it.


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