I know I'm gonna feel dumb in the Morning....

yaipa h. yaipa at yahoo.com
Thu May 22 18:45:09 EDT 2003


What I really want to do is,

    for f in _fromDict.keys().sort():

But that fails, so then I try this...

>>> ==================== Code Snippet ===========================
      fLst = []
      fLst = _fromDict.keys().sort()
   # Now convert each From Object against the entire list of fromObjects
   for f in fLst:

>>> ==================== PROGRAM START ===========================

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\jDev\cs-171\project\cs171\ctt.py", line 124, in -toplevel-
    for f in fLst:
TypeError: iteration over non-sequence

Now I've made 'fLst' a list explicitly. Sooooo why doesn't this work?



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