python-dev Summary for 2003-04-01 through 2003-04-15 *and* 2003-04-16 through 2003-04-30

Brett Cannon bac at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Thu May 8 17:34:48 EDT 2003

[Willi Langenberger]

> Just wanted to say that your work with the summaries is highly
> appriciated. Especially for people like me, who are not involved with
> the development, but are very interessted.
> Thanks!

You are quite welcome!  I keep doing this just for the occasional "thank
you" email (<people snicker in the background>).  No, I'm serious!  My
need to do the summaries has mostly past since I have now been on
python-dev long enough to know how things work and have a good
understanding of Python's internals.

But I keep doing the summaries because I know they help other people out.
I know some developers read the summaries to see if there was anything
they missed.  But I mostly do it in hopes that they will inspire some
reader out there to contribute to Python's development and help make it a
better language.

And getting these occasional emails saying, "thanks, I *do* read the
emails and they help" makes it all worthwhile.


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