PEP 315: Enhanced While Loop

Steven Taschuk staschuk at
Sat May 3 13:14:05 EDT 2003

Quoth Ben Allfree:
> # New way
> until not Poor():
>    MakeMoney()
> Python programmers would just have to understand that the "until" construct
> executes once before evaluation. Or maybe it could be named something more
> obvious. "AfterWhile" - heh - no pun intended. 

I have to agree with Alex here: Ick.  My expectation on seeing
    until foo():
is that it would be equivalent to
    while not foo():
The proposed out-of-order execution is a recipe for confusion,

Steven Taschuk                  staschuk at
"Telekinesis would be worth patenting."  -- James Gleick

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