pydoc and latin-1/iso-8859-1/scandinavian letters

Gerhard Häring gh at
Wed May 21 09:26:13 EDT 2003

Jorge Godoy <godoy at> wrote:
> Rami Saarinen <rs55862 at> writes:
>> A quick newbie question: Is there any way to get the latin-1
>> characters to show up correctly on the pydoc output? Currently it
>> seems that the next letter after the latin-1 character (such as ä) is
>> not displayed.
>> For example the text "tämä on testi" will show up as "tääon testi".
> I'm having almost the same problems with wxPython and the pgdb
> module. [...]

I'd recommend you switch to pyPgSQL. It supports Unicode and I've heard of
one of our users successfully using it in combination with a
Unicode-enabled wxPython.

Maybe psycopg supports Unicode as well nowadays, I haven't checked.

Anyway, you'll want to check the encodings your PostgreSQL client and
server uses (SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO ..., etc.). The PostgreSQL handbooks
explains that stuff pretty well IMO.

-- Gerhard

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