Running a Python program thru a Windows shortcut

andrew cooke andrew at
Sun May 11 18:40:23 EDT 2003

iirc you drag a copy of the MSDOS icon to your desktop and then edit the
properties (right click) so that it runs the program.  somehwre there's an
option that says don't open an actual window, i think.  maybe that's the
difficult bit :o)


Patrick Useldinger said:

> Hello,
> I've written a small, non-GUI program that I am running from the command
> line. This works OK, but I can't figure out how to run it from a Windows
> shortcut placed on a desktop.
> The command I execute manually is: dfc dfcCfgBackup, wth dfc being a
> Python program, and dfcCfgBackup being a parameter file that is passed
> as an argument.
> Can anybody provide me with an example on how to do this?
> -Patrick
> --


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