pls help newbie?

Scott David Daniels scott.daniels at
Wed May 21 15:14:52 EDT 2003

Too much fun.  Getting fancier:

import random, string

class Question:
     def __init__(self, question, *answers):
         self.question = question
         self.answer = answers[0]
         self.choices = list(answers)
     def ask(self):
         print self.question
         for letter, response in zip(string.lowercase, self.choices):
             print "%s." % letter, response
             if response == self.answer:
                 correct = letter
         if raw_input("What do you think? ") in (correct, self.answer):
             print "GOT IT"
             return True
             print "Sorry, the answer is %s:" % correct, self.answer
             return False

questions = [
     Question("CHET ATKINS", "drums", "guitar", "piano"),
     Question("DORIS BRASCH", "Francios van Heyningen",
              "Jurie Ferreira", "Bob Borowski")

# Then:

missed = [question for question in questions
           if not question.ask()]

print "You scored", (len(questions)-len(missed)) * 100 / len(questions)

if missed:
     print 'You need to study:'
     for question in missed:
	print question.question, '=', question.answer

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