RELEASED Python 2.2.3 (final)

Barry Warsaw barry at
Fri May 30 23:11:45 EDT 2003

I'm happy to announce the release of Python 2.2.3 (final).  This is a
bug fix release for the stable Python 2.2 code line.  It contains more
than 40 bug fixes and memory leak patches since Python 2.2.2, and all
Python 2.2 users are encouraged to upgrade.

The new release is available here:

For full details, see the release notes at

There are a small number of minor incompatibilities with Python 2.2.2;
for details see:

Perhaps the most important is that the and modules
have been disabled, since we do not deem them to be safe.

As usual, a Windows installer and a Unix/Linux source tarball are made
available.  The documentation has been updated as well, and is available
both on-line and in many different formats. At the moment, no Mac
version or Linux RPMs are available, although I expect them to appear

On behalf of Guido, I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to this 
release, and who continue to ensure Python's success.


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